Friday, December 4, 2009

Why is it important for students to post their work to blogs?

Here are three reasons why students should start recording their work to blogs:
1. As I have progressed in my EDM310 class I have enjoyed watching children from foreign countries read bedtime stories. I have watched these kids progress in their reading each week. I would not be able to do that if they hadn't posted their work to a blog.
2. Students do amazing things when they put their mind to it. Some of the most brilliant minds in this world are students. Why not record all of their work not just for enjoyment but also for history. What if Albert Einstein had kept a blog? how much more information could we learn about him?
3. Networking. That is all I need to say. When students blog about their work, other students look at that and make a connection with that student. Maybe even learn something that could help him/her in the future. Just think about the endless possibilities that we could see open up in the near future...
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